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Bodhidharma founder of Shaolin Kung-fu or all Martial Arts
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmaster Tode Sakugawa ( 1762
to 1843 )
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmaster Anko Itosu ( 1797 to
1889 )
Great Great Great Grandmaster Itosu Yasutsune
Gichin Funakoshi in his late 30's founder Shotokan Karate-do
Great Grandmaster James Mitose founder Kosho ryu Kempo
Great Grandmaster William K.S. Chow founder Kara Ho Kempo
late Masatoshi Nakayama Sensei fromer chief Instructor of the JKA
Great Grandmaster Adriano D. Emperado founder Kajukenbo
Great Grandmaster Edmund Parker founder of American Kenpo
Grandmaster Steve Muhammad Sanders President Co. founder BKF "
Black Karate Federation "
Grandmaster Donnie Williams Co. founder of the BKF " Black Karate
Federation "
Sijo Victor " Sonny " Gascon founder of Karazenpo Go Shinjitsu
Great Grandmaster Prof. Nick Cerio founder of Nick Cerio's Kenpo
Great Grandmaster William R. Gregory founder Kajukenpo Pai Lim
Prof. Larry S.L. Martin founder of Shojukempo Ryu. Prof. Martin
is the only Afro American that has a high ranking belt in Rhode Island and the only Afro American that teaches Shotokan Karate
& Kempo in Rhode Island.
Great Grandmaster Dr. Daniel K. Pai founder Pai Lum Kung-fu
Great Grandmaster George Pasere founder Kenpo / Kempo in New England
" alive and still kickin "
Master Enoeda Sensei founder Karate Union Great Britain
Great Grandmaster Peter Urban in his late 20's early 30's founder
of American Goju ryu
Tetsuhiko Asai Chief Instructor of the JKS and he was the former
Chief Instructor for the JKA
Grandmaster Aaron Banks Martial Arts Promoter and Instructor of
Goju under Great Grandmaster Peter Urban
Gogen " the Cat Yamagushi " the father of Goju-ryu Karate-do
Grandmaster Dr. Georganne Verigan who is the head
of the Kajukenpo Pai Lum Family
Grandmaster Al Cunningham American Kenpo / Ju-jitsu Vice President
North American Grandmasters Council.
Grandmaster Montezuma
C. Cantu of Tanka - Ryu Saigo - Ha Daito Ryu Aiki.
Grandmaster Robert J. Galinas founder of Kajukido Kempo Ryu
Grandmaster George Petrotta founder of the International Sungja-Do